Friday, January 21, 2022

Movie Opener Brainstorming and Research

Rise :There is a lot of extreme close ups in the intro for Rise, on an audio stand point, there is a prevalence in upbeat music. The upbeat music gives the audience an excitement feel.

Dear Lover: The essence of romance mixed and happy toned music in this clip makes the audience feel a happy feeling, the kids who made this clip created a well rounded mood.

Dare to Thrill: The intro begins with a lot of action and carefully placed and added music. However, as the video progresses the point and actions become quite confusing.

Always Watching: A suspense ridden video that is very exposition heavy for an opening scene. There was also a lot of portraits of characters.

White Coat: The video opens with a series of rapid cuts that communicates the character’s own confusion. This is a fantastic way to grab the viewer's attention, the addition of sound and music is also used to add extra effect.

Stalker: This intro was truly amazing, the producers made an interesting the choice of music truly impressed me, also the switch of drama and horror is fascinating.

Nostalgia: The film intro has a very odd choice of an attention grabber, the director for this scene used quick cuts between a painting portrait and the character,

Summary: After looking at the videos I can say that it taught me a lot about what us high school student can do. One of the biggest things that I noticed was how the mood and music were connected to draw the audience in. The use of different camera angles and sound bytes, the attention was really focused on the film given.

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