Close shot: In this shot I filmed Enmanuel from the waist up for 5 seconds accomplishing the close up shot. This shot was in my opinion very easy and simple, I had no problem doing this shot.
In this shot I used a super close up shot to video Enmanuel's eye. Like the close shot, the super close up shot was very easy and quickly accomplished.
This shot is the close up, to complete this shot I simply had to get close up to a leaf. This shot again like the others were very easy and simple to complete, I had no iss
In this shot I accomplished the doly shot, this one was not difficult like the others but required a little bit more work in order to accomplish it.
This shot was a low angle shot in which I videoed the Trojan statue from the ground. This was not at all difficult and came out pretty well.
This shot was a tilt shot, were I filmed the feet of the Trojan statue and slowly and smoothly filmed all the way up to the head of the trojan. This shot was the most difficult so far, however still very easy.
ReplyDeleteShot #6: Tilt shot of the Lely mascot. (The Trojan)
This made me feel the same feeling I would get if I were to go to the Lincoln Memorial I feel, if I wasn't a student here at Lely, I would assume this is a commemorative statue of an actual Trojan that at one point existed, I don't know how to put into words the sort of feeling you get from visiting and looking at architecture or commemorative statues but at the very least, I can describe it as almost honorable (the statue). However the shot was taken by Noah so it's actually the worst shot of anything ever taken. (obviously)
Shot #3: Close up shot of the leaf.
I enjoyed this shot a lot and it is one of the best (if not, the best) shot out of all of them. It is calming, and I think it is primarily due to the 1. Stillness of the camera and 2. High fidelity of said camera. The point is that the shot is very good. (Of course, since the photo was taken by Noah, that docks it down 10 points bringing it to a total of 0 points)
Shot #9: High Angle shot depicting clock in the middle (and me)
This reminds me of movies where the character explores and calmly solves puzzles to find treasure, when I think of clocks and these sorts of angles, it's just the first thing that comes to mind, so if I were to describe what I feel about the photo, it would be that it has a weird, almost puzzling ambience and that it is kind of depressing because of all the gray.