Friday, April 1, 2022

Evaluating My Peer Reviews


What specific elements of the film opening did you like?

What specific elements of the film opening did you dislike?

Did this look like a movie opener and did it make you want to know what happens next? Explain.

Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific)

What suggestions do you have to make this movie opener better?

I like how he was dressed as a news reporter. I also like the globe and music at the beginning.

I dislike the lighting and the script. You should definitely practice the script.

It does look like a movie opener, but the speaking was boring so I lost interest. I did not want to keep watching.

There was nothing confusing, but the script should be more clear.

Find a spot with better lighting, add more people who can act as a news crew, review your script, and have a tie.

I liked the professionalism of News infographics, it really felt like a professional news outlet.

I really disliked the lighting and audio of the film. It completely took my out of the film and reminded that I was watching a homemade production. It felt completely at odds with the intro.

This did not look like a movie opener and it did make me excited for the movie whatsoever. The poor script and audio recording was riddle by mistakes and confusing speech choices. The lighting didn't match the atmosphere that was portrayed, and the lack of different camera angles made the movie exceedingly boring.

Yes, the entire setting and alternate reality that the film portrayed was very confusing the lack of clarification presents a lot of problems for me and made it hard to become involved.

I would change up shot compositions to make it more interesting for the viewer, give more clarification on the reality the film is set in, and change the set design to make it more appropriate for the film.

I liked the music.

The lighting when the news reporter is talking, he stumbled with the words when he could have just redone it, then there was no plot.

I do not understand what the genre is and what would be happening in the movie so no it is not a good movie opener.

The whole thing, you could barley hear him talking and then he kept on stuttering, there was no plot that could have gone off of what he was talking about.

Keep the opening clip, but the lighting needs to be fixed, there needs to be more indication that it is a news report, for example putting a ribbon at the bottom of the screen.

I like some of the sarcasm by the news anchor and his professional fit.

A little boring and clean up the talking a little bit.

I can see how this can be a movie opener and how the story can be expanded on but I think there needs to be something that pulls an audience to want to watch this.


Add something that stands out or targets a certain audience.


The concept is doable

NO, this looks nothing like a movie opener. There are no opening credits either before or after the film footage. The footage is terrible. Why would you think that sitting in front of window blinds would be good lighting and would look like a anchor desk? You also can't use that pre-made wasted 24 seconds of news opening to take up time at the beginning.

This concept would work as a mocumentary of following a particular presidential candidate but you did not present it that way.

Shoot a reporter outside following the candidate. You could shoot this during lunch in a crowd of people, but you need someone to play the candidate.

In all honesty, not much. Maybe the fact that there was some effort put into costume design.

There was a lot
-Felt as if the opening and ending was added just for time
-Lighting was not optimal
-Was not engaging

No it did not. I was not interested at all.

I was confused as why it was only a news anchor and no plot.

There needs to be a lot of work. Actual filming needs to be done and different camera angles.

The film opener was okay.

This was just bad lighting in general and very blurry footage in general. Honestly it was just very confusing.

You could make it work but for now I have no intention of reading or watching it again.

The whole movie opener didn't seem like a movie opener

Better lighting, and better camera and more edits.

The intro was nice and the costume was cool

How confusing it was and how it didnt seem nature the reading seemed force and did not flow well.

It was ok It seemed a little weird and confusing so I don't think I would want to watch more of the movie.

What you were talking about during most of the opener was confusing I did not understand what you wanted the film to be.

I think giving the film a little more thought and re reading your lines that way you can flow better would be a good idea. Plus putting a little more thought into it would be better.

I like that he dressed up accordingly to his role in the film.

I disliked the lighting. If he would have closed the blinds behind him it would have made the film better.

No, it looked like I was watching the news.

I was a bit confused on what he was talking about because I couldn't tell what genre he was relating too.

different location, better lighting, and maybe different camera placement.

I like the realistic news opening clip and music

This news reporter was clearly not in a office setting and the lighting was terrible

It did not look like a movie opener, and I did not want to learn what happened next, very boring.

I did not understand the point of the opening.

The reporter could speak more clearer and be set in a different location.

The opening title made the opener seem ore professional. I loved the spinning globe thing with the weird news reporter music. I literally had no idea that Wump was supposed to be Trump until like halfway through, made me laugh. Also, the "banger mixtape" part made me chuckle, but I feel like that has a very specific audience it would appeal to.

A lot of stuttering for a professional news caster. It's a single shot sitting in front of the camera. I feel like it would have been easy to just do multiple takes until there was one without any stuttering or backtracks.

Not really, it looked like that was the whole thing from beginning to end. I'm not sure how a news story can become a movie unless maybe the news caster is giving horrible news and then the rest of the movie jumps to the news story being portrayed. Ex: a news reporter warn the public about a deadly virus and then cutting to a wasteland with crawling people to indicate a zombie outbreak. But this news story felt completed.

Not really, it was pretty straight forward, so it didn't leave anything to be pondered upon.

Do a few reshoots with less vocal errors and then make the ending more open ended. That ending was an ending, but this clip should be an opener.

I like the intro transition.

I didn't like how the camera was set up, looked unprofessional because the lighting wasn't the best.

I could see it as a movie opener, but I think it needed to be better produced then I'd want to watch it.

I didn't really get the story that was said on the news.

Get better lighting, more screen time because it's only like 1 min, sound more natural when talking.

The intro music was pretty cool.

The script and the lightning where very poor.

No, this did not even look like a movie, and it did not make me want to know what happens next as I could barely understand what was going on.

Everything, I did not understand the point of the film or even where it was being directed towards.

Better lighting, better script, and a new direction of the film.

I didn't like anything.

Kept fidgeting with your shirt, lighting sucked, and I was bored.

I don't understand how this was a movie opener.

What was supposed to happen after this?

Make it an actual movie opener.

There's an intro and outro in the opener.

The fact that there's literally only one camera angle which is a medium shot and the fact that the face wasn't in a good lighting with the shades open isn't optimal for the film. The intro/outro might be copied off from somewhere and there's no title for the opener.

Not really, it was just one scene most of the time and there isn't a plot or anything. Basically a news channel.

Why isn't there a name for the opener and why did it had to be shades with light coming through for the background?

Adjust the entire opener in general, include more angle shots, and maybe show examples of what's happening instead of it facing the person talking all the time.

I liked the creativeness of being a news reporter

I didn't really understand what the movie opener was trying to achieve as it only was a news broadcast and not an actual movie

No this is not a movie opener as you are just talking to the camera

I was just confused with the goal of the movie opener as not much is really said

Maybe try something else incorporated with a news reporter to make a film of something terrible happening to the world?

The acting was pretty good and did resemble a new anchor.

The lighting. The window almost made it look like a talking silhouette.

It felt more like a news bulletin, but I could see how this could be made into a movie.

Why was the candidate advertised as the best president since 1580, when the first president came to office in 1787.

Alter the lighting to be in front of you as opposed to behind you so we can see your face.

The music for the news opening.

The opening graphic was too long. The lighting and camera angle was bad when he was reporting.

This did not look like a movie opener. If anything it was a news segment. I was not left wondering what was going to happen and there was no suspense of hint that the movie would continue after this.

I was confused as to what was going to happen after this news segment.

I would suggest learning the script better because he was stumbling over his words and that is not typical of a news reporter.

I like the beginning and end with the news introduction. It went on for FAR too long though.

- introduction of news intro. went on for WAY too long.
- the acting is severally unconvincing
- the script is irrelevant and confusing
- the editing is close to non-existent but the only editing opportunity you had when cutting out of the news frame, you failed to edit out your own hand cutting off your phone’s camera
- there needs to be MORE CONTENT above all!

This did not look like a movie opener. It did not make me want to know what happens next. It was lacking in content, delivery, and artistic touch.

The entire script and plot confused and bored me.

Rewrite, film, and plan the entire film opener.

 Enmanuel and I disscussed and worked through these peer reviews together in order too have the same response. 

We need to find a reason for all of this; it didn't even function as a mission statement; it was uninteresting, didn't seem like a movie opener, and most all, it was confused, and it should be rebuilt from the ground up in such a manner that it becomes or shares likeness to a mockumentary or, more accurately, a comedy, but thematically and content-wise, it doesn't actually deliver anything worth viewing or interpreting as a movie opener.